*note* Severely dated. I've got tons of stuff to add to this. Contact
me if you're interested, and I haven't gotten to this yet.
1139 NW 29th
OKC, OK 73106
I am currently studying mechanical engineering and computer science. I plan
to continue my education and earn a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering.
University of Oklahoma Norman, OK
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, May 1997, GPA 3.7
Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering-Composites Manufacturing, defense
pending GPA 3.4
Jackson Hole High School Jackson, WY
Graduated Spring, 1993, GPA 3.7
General Skills and Experience
- Computer Programming- C, Pascal, FORTRAN, Quick Basic, 80X86 Assembly
- Web Design- HTML, Javascript, Cascading Style Sheets
- General Computing- I-DEAS, Most Word Processors, Spread Sheets, Operating
- Minor Computer Repair
- Retail Sales (1989-1993)
- Landscaping (1994)
- Carpentry (1995)
- Small business owner-Andromeda Systems, custom computer systems, (1995-present)
- Project Leader for the development of hardware and software components
to computerize and automate the air conditioner test apparatus at York
International, Norman, OK.
Graduate Research Experience
My graduate research has been valuable applied engineering experience. I
have been working under the direction of Dr. M. C. Altan on a research project
sponsored by NASA, focusing on gravity effects during molding operations
in composite materials manufacturing. I began performing this research as
an undergraduate, and in the past year I have been the principal experimental
research student for the mechanical engineering component of the project.
Some of my main responsibilities have included
- Selection and Purchase of $20,000.00 in research equipment
- Design and construction of several experimental mold filling apparatus,
including extensive contact with the University of Oklahoma machine
- Design, selection, and assembly of a computer controlled data acquisition
system, including several specialized custom measurement circuits
- Preparation of technical publications and presentations
- Experimental design, experimental methods, and data analysis
Transmission of results, designs, and methods are a vital part of engineering.
Good computer and communication skills have facilitated my preparation of
9 conference publications, and a Journal article in less than a year. More
specific details from my research is contained in the following:
- Olivero, K. A. and Altan, M. C., Fiber Concentration Distribution
In Planar Mold Filling, ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition, CAE and Intelligent Processing of Polymeric
Materials, 1998, Conference Proceeding and Presentation (Accepted for
- Olivero, K. A., Khoo, C. F., and Altan, M. C., Computational Simulation
Methods for Molding of Composite Materials, Conference Proceeding
and Presentation (Accepted for publication).
- Olivero, K. A., and Altan, M. C., Experimental Characterization
of Orientation Formation in a Mold Cavity With Sudden Contraction,.
August, 1998, Journal Article (Accepted for publication).
- Olivero, K. A. and Altan, M.C., Experimental Characterization of
Flow-Induced Orientation Structure in Injection Mold Filling, PPS-14
(Polymer Processing Society), Yokohama, Japan, June, 1998. Conference
Proceedings and Presentation pp. 347-348.
- Olivero, K. A., Khoo, C. F., and Altan, M.C., Numerical Prediction
of Flow-Induced Orientation Structure in Injection Mold Filling,
PPS-14 (Polymer Processing Society), Yokohama, Japan, June, 1998. Conference
Proceedings and Presentation, pp 345-346.
- Olivero, K. A. and Altan, M. C., Gravity Effects on Preform Impregnation
During Resin Transfer Molding, PPS-14 (Polymer Processing Society),
Yokohama, Japan, June, 1998. Conference Proceedings and Presentation,
pp. .
- Olivero, K. A. and Altan, M. C., Spreading of Fluid Front Due to
Gravity During Mold Filling, AIAA/ASME Symposium XVIII, Norman,
OK., Feb. 1998. Abstract and Presentation.
- Olivero, K. A., and Altan, M. C., Experimental Characterization
of Orientation Formation in a Mold Cavity With Sudden Contraction,
Proceedings of the American Society For Composites, Dearborn, Michigan,
Oct. 1997. Conference Proceedings and Presentation.
- Olivero, K. A., He, J., and Altan, M. C., Orientation Formation
in Planar Mold Filling: Experimental Results, 1997 ASME International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition: CAE and Intelligent
Processing of Polymeric Materials, MD-Vol. 79, Dallas, TX, Nov. 1997.
Conference Proceedings and Presentation.
- He, J., Olivero, K. A., and Altan, M. C., Orientation Formation
in Planar Mold Filling: Theory and Numerical Predictions, 1997 ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition: CAE and
Intelligent Processing of Polymeric Materials, MD-Vol. 79, Dallas, TX,
Nov. 1997. Conference Proceedings and Presentation.
- Honorable Mention-NSF competition 1996
- Graduated With Distinction (B.S. Engineering)
- National Merit Scholar
- National Academy of Space Science and Technology Scholarship for best
math and science achievement in my congressional district
- Outstanding Achievements Recognition-OU Physics Department
- National Honor Society
- Mechanical Engineering Deans List
- Perfect 36 on ACT Math
- 780 SAT Math
- Perfect 5 on AP Physics
- Perfect 5 on AP Chemistry
Church Youth Group, 7 years of 4-H, Weight training, Computer programming,
Reading, Classical music, Electric bass, Athletics.